District Legal Services Authority (DLSA), Anekal Taluk had organised the program on “Oorigondu wana, Oorigondu kere”(English translation: One forest a village, one lake a village) on 25th May 2023. This program was conducted by the Anekal Courts and the judges educated the masses about the saving of the forests and lakes which is very essential for the protection of environment.
A group of advocates and our students went on a rally holding the posters and placards that created awareness about the protection and conservation of forests and lakes and the punishments under the POCSO Act.
The Judges addressed the local people and educated them how to tackled the problems relating to conservation of underground water and also the importance of forests. How the depreciation of forests and lakes are adversely contributing to climate change and many health hazards. Since it is an environmentally important aspect one person or group of people or NGOs or Governmental stakeholders cannot do much without common public. They also pledge to protect the environment (mother earth) from pollution and they also throw light on the factors contributing to pollute the lakes and forests. How determined people can change the scenario, their perspectives and their contribution can help in the protection of environment.
Our students along with the judges of the Anekal Courts under the guidance of DLSA had organised a workshop at PEARL VALLEY SCHOOL, at Anekal about the children rights on 25th May 2023.
Our faculty Ms. Sowbhagya had explained the children about the sexual offences and what they have to do if they are caught in such unfortunate situations. She also explained what amounts to sexual offences and another student Krishna, from 6th Sem LLB gave the insights about the punishments given under the POCSO Act.
The other teachers and students also created an awareness about the protection and conservation of forests and educated the school children about the importance of forests and lakes.